Before Balaam uttered his third prophecy, he surveyed the camp of Israel and “This time he noticed how orderly and clean their camp was and that each tribe had its own designated area around the Sanctuary. As he admired the scene, the Holy Spirit took control of him and Balaam began to prophesy.” (Numbers 24: 2, The Clear Word) All the directives God gave to Moses regarding how Israel was to live in the desert probably seemed tedious and nit-picky, but those guidelines set Israel apart as a blessed, well-ordered group. Likewise, the principles that govern our lives as Seventh-day Adventists may appear restrictive to some, but they set us apart as a peculiar people (not peculiar as in weird, but peculiar as in distinguishedly different) who are healthy, joyful, and productive!
Before Balaam uttered his third prophecy, he surveyed the camp of Israel and “This time he noticed how orderly and clean their camp was and that each tribe had its own designated area around the Sanctuary. As he admired the scene, the Holy Spirit took control of him and Balaam began to prophesy.” (Numbers 24: 2, The Clear Word) All the directives God gave to Moses regarding how Israel was to live in the desert probably seemed tedious and nit-picky, but those guidelines set Israel apart as a blessed, well-ordered group. Likewise, the principles that govern our lives as Seventh-day Adventists may appear restrictive to some, but they set us apart as a peculiar people (not peculiar as in weird, but peculiar as in distinguishedly different) who are healthy, joyful, and productive!